Established in 2004 The Label Factory (TLF) provides a professional, high quality and reliable service to cater for all of your label printing and application requirements. Our "Complete Solutions Package" offers you a truly hassle free and bespoke service by fulfilling all your labelling requirements.
We have many years experience working within the label printing industry and it is our combination of skills and experience that enables us to consistently exceed our clients expectations and enjoy high levels of repeat and referred business.Your job will be given the same attention to detail whether it is for 1,000 labels or 100,000. Our philosophy is to provide a service second to none so that once you have worked with us - you will stay with us.
We have many years experience working within the label printing industry and it is our combination of skills and experience that enables us to consistently exceed our clients expectations and enjoy high levels of repeat and referred business.Your job will be given the same attention to detail whether it is for 1,000 labels or 100,000. Our philosophy is to provide a service second to none so that once you have worked with us - you will stay with us.
So Baby were a new independent company that came to TLF for advice on all aspects of creating their initial brand ideas.
We were commissioned to advise on types of label and packaging.
Working with So Baby, our designers created the logo and labels to match how So Baby wanted their corporate identity to look.
We then sourced and supplied the pots and lids before printing and finally applying the labels which were then held in stock for call-off.
We were commissioned to advise on types of label and packaging.
Working with So Baby, our designers created the logo and labels to match how So Baby wanted their corporate identity to look.
We then sourced and supplied the pots and lids before printing and finally applying the labels which were then held in stock for call-off.
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